OptinMonster Post Plugin Adrian Rosebrock

100% Complete

Project Description

The primary goal of every blog post on PyImageSearch is to collect a reader’s email address. Once the email address is collected we can market to them and ultimately make sales. The more quality email addresses we have, the more revenue the business can make.
Approximately 90% of all blog posts on PyImageSearch have an opt-in targeted to that specific blog post. While we review Python + computer vision code on PyImageSearch, we don’t host the code on GitHub. Instead we put the code behind an email opt-in.
Readers enter their email address in the form, they are able to download the code, and we capture their email address.
The purpose of this plugin is to help facilitate the capturing of email addresses by using OptinMonster. The rest of this document details the current solution (i.e., what we have done to validate this plugin should be created) along with the specifications of the WordPress plugin itself.

Project Progress

100% Progress

100% Test - Timing

Start Date

December 3, 2018

End Date

December 21, 2018


Approved Documents


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Complete Tasks


1 / 1 Completed


  • 100% Plugin Developed


1 / 1 Completed

Plugin Development 0 Documents 3 / 3 Tasks 0 Responses


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